Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Children's Television

Do some children's television shows affect your children in a negative way? Or do some shows simply encourage them more and teach them right and wrong? Many years ago, parents just allowed their children to watch whatever they wanted, for however long they wanted. It was not thought that television could have negative effects on a child's development and characteristics. Just like smoking, something that was once thought to not have an effect on anything, has since been proven to have many bad effects. Children who spend many hours in front of the television tend to be more obese and have more trouble developing social skills. Sponge Bob Square Pants, for example, is a show that exploits women, encourage laziness, and makes fun of being smart. This show, many parents would not be surprised to discover, is the number one children's television show in America. I was very disturbed when I found out this information, because although I am not yet a parent, I cannot imagine allowing my child to watch a show like this. The problem enlies in the fact that most parents are not aware of the underlying message of shows like this, therefore simply allow their children to watch the show. In a recent study, not only are the shows influencing children negatively, but the commercials within the program are full of fatty foods, advertisements for more television shows, and toys that encourage laziness. One show that does an excellent job of teaching students right from wrong and other societal norms, as well as some Spanish, is Dora the Explorer. Even classrooms are beginning to use clips and even the entire show to demonstrate things to students, especially in elementary Spanish classes because children really grasp the meaning of the word.
Television plays a large role in many, if not most, American's lives every single day. How it is going to effect children and even adults in the long run is still being researched. So far, many negative effects have come from the research, but there may be positive effects as well. As a parent, one should really consider the shows that your child is watching, perhaps even watch them yourself and research the show.

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