Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Public School Vs. Private School

Does the education your child receives really change based on whether the school is public or private? Everyone seems to have a different opinion of this. I personally attended private school, but I also had many friends that attended the neighboring public school. Growing up in Atlanta, Georgia, there are some places in town that you would never want your child to be exposed to, much less go to school in and be around those people. I went to public school up until 7th grade, when my parents felt that it was time to move to another school district or transfer to a private school. I can honestly say that I was not exposed to many of the drugs, sex and alcohol that my public school friends were having to deal with on a daily basis. Public school children in my area were much rougher and tougher, and my parents did not want me growing up in that type of environment. The classes at most private schools are smaller and more intimate, giving teachers the opportunity to actually know students, instead of them just being another face in the crowd. Teachers were also much more willing to spend time with a student when he or she was struggling with something, even willing to stay after school or work through lunch. When speaking to my friends who attended public school, students often had to rely on other students to help them because the teacher had other things to do. However, some public school systems are excellent and offer just as much help and growth for a student as a private school with smaller classes. Another negative to many private schools is that there are not as many academic or extra-curricular options, because the school is so small. Public schools offer many Advanced Placement courses that some private schools do not. They also offer more after school activities and clubs to join, because there are more students that are interested in the subject matter. Simply said, the option of public school versus private school ultimately depends on each family: is it a monetary sacrifice they are willing to make for their children or is it even worth it?

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